by admin | Nov 20, 2019 | Intentional Living, Podcast, Redefine Your Life, Relationships, Self Care
Download your free copy of my “Signs You’re a People-Pleaser” PDF! Hey everyone! In the last episode we talked about how to deal with negative or toxic people in your life. Today I want to turn the spotlight inward to talk about an all-too common...
by admin | Nov 12, 2019 | Podcast, Relationships, Self Care
Get your free download of my “Learn to Respond vs. React” guide! “Hey there! In the last episode we talked about how to invite positive, healthy friendships into our lives. Today I want to talk about the flip side—the people and relationships that maybe...
by admin | Oct 30, 2019 | Podcast, Relationships
In this episode I’d like to talk about making and keeping friends as an adult—and joining me to chat about this is one of my good friends, Chavonne McClay, who is a licensed clinical social worker at Unabridged Counseling and Coaching here in New Mexico. I’m so...
by admin | Oct 2, 2019 | News, Podcast, Self Care
A quick introduction to season one of the new Back to Life podcast Hey there! I wanted to take a moment to quickly introduce you to the upcoming season of the brand-new Back to Life podcast. I’m so excited to be your host for this show, as we engage in...